Grilled Wild Salmon with Pineapple Blueberry Salsa Paired with a Lemon Basil Gin and Tonic

Paired with a Lemon and Basil Gin & Tonic

Pineapple Blueberry Salsa
4 each ½-inch thick slices of pineapple, peeled
½ red bell pepper, stemmed and seeded
½ red onion, cut in ¼-inch thick slices
1-2 Tbsp. salad oil
1 tsp. chili powder
2 Tbsp. cilantro, minced
optional, 1-2 Tbsp. sugar
1-2 Tbsp. lime juice
1-2 Tbsp. rice wine vinegar
Salt, to taste
2/3-1 cup blueberries

Heat a barbecue grill or stovetop grill plate to medium heat. Using the salad oil, brush both sides of the pineapple, bell pepper and onion slices. Place on the grill and cook the pineapple 60-90 seconds on each side. Continue cooking the onion and bell pepper until soft to the touch, about 3 minutes per side.

Remove the core from the pineapple slices, and cut remaining pineapple into ¼-inch dice. Cut the bell pepper into 1/8-inch dice. Discard any remaining core from the red onion and cut in 1/8-inch dice. Place all in a mixing bowl and add the chili powder, cilantro and ½ of each of the rice vinegar and lime juice, and mix. Add salt and adjust seasonings, adding more lime juice and rice vinegar as needed. If needed for flavor, add some of the sugar to balance the acidity of the salsa. When ready to serve, mix in the blueberries. If not using right away, leave out the berries, cover and refrigerate. The salsa will hold in refrigerator for up to 6 hours. Makes about 2 cups.

Grilled Wild Salmon
4 each 6 oz. wild salmon fillets, skin on
Salt and pepper
1-2 Tbsp. olive oil

Preheat a grill.

Lightly season the flesh sides of the fillets with salt and pepper. Brush with olive oil. Place on the grill and cook 4-5 minutes, then turn over and cook until springy to the touch. Total cooking time should be 10-12 minutes PER INCH OF THICKNESS.

Lemon Basil Gin and Tonic
1 oz fresh lemon juice
8 basil leaves
4 oz gin
Garnish: lemon twist and basil leaf

In a cocktail shaker, muddle together lemon juice and basil leaves. Add gin and shake. Pour over cocktail glass filled with ice. Top with tonic water. Serve with lemon twist and basil leaf as a garnish.

Jodie Leschuk