The Four Different Methods of Learning

The Four Different Methods of Learning

Here at The Seasoned Chef, we pride ourselves on teaching an incredibly diverse group of people how to cook healthy, approachable meals in their home kitchens. From the beginner to the past professional, from the 11 year old just starting to learn, to the 88 year old wanting to develop a couple new tricks to migrate around the kitchen with ease… everyone is welcome here!

Over the years, we’ve also kept on top of many trends in the area of education. Understanding new developments in teaching and making sure that we’re in-touch with up-to-date educational concepts surrounding food preparation has allowed us to be one of the top cooking schools in the nation for several generations of students.

One such concept has become more widely known as VAKT (Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, and Tactile) Learning Styles.

Within the concept of VAKT, we know that all humans have a dominant learning style.  It’s a concept that is related to perception and memory - i.e. you remember information best when it’s presented to you in your preferred modality.

Visual Learners - Typically like to see or write the information themselves.  These individuals pay attention best when they’re actually watching a lecture or teacher, rather than hearing them.  They learn best by reading the information once, and sometimes re-write it themselves to fully gather the concept.

Auditory Learners - These are the folks that talk to themselves. They learn best by having conversations about the material and benefit greatly from a method of teaching where the material is summarized before and after the lesson - aka “tell them what they are going to learn, teach them, and tell them what they have learned.”

Kinesthetic Learners - This group of learners benefit from full body movement when learning. These are the people that wiggle a lot, constantly shaking their leg as they take in material because their whole body is involved. These folks benefit from actually DOING, rather than just hearing or seeing someone else do the activity.

Tactile Learners - Sometimes grouped with Kinesthetic Learners, these individuals benefit from hands-on activities. They prefer fine-motor movements, such as actually applying the material, highlighting in the book they’re reading, or taking very detailed notes so that they are constantly moving.

Our Teaching Style

Here at The Seasoned Chef, we pride ourselves on accommodating individuals of ALL learning styles within our classes, though especially within our in-person classes.

When you come into a class at The Seasoned Chef, we offer printed recipes and demonstrate for the visual learners, offer small group discussion time and describe the cooking process in detail for auditory learners, and allow the material to be actually applied for those that prefer kinesthetic or tactile learning.  More than just reading the instructions in a book, watching a video online, or listening to a pre-created podcast, our students have time for questions and are offered the instruction style that works best for them specifically.

Did You Know…

If you’re interested in seeing our unique teaching style at work, check out our calendar to see what cooking class speaks to you. In the coming month, we offer everything teaching you to cook local recipes from some of our favorite American cities, to creating delicious seafood dishes, to bread baking 101, to a special class honoring the late Anthony Bourdain.  No matter your preferred class, we have something that fits your taste so that you can make delicious, “user-friendly” meals at home!

If you’re brand new to the kitchen, then we highly recommend checking out our signature class, Basic Skills Every Chef Should Know. This class is designed to teach all of the foundational elements of cooking so that you can quickly feel at home in the kitchen.

Lastly, we know that coming out of quarantine can feel a bit dice-y. (Pardon the pun.) We want to assure you that we are doing everything in our power to keep The Seasoned Chef germ-free and up-to-date. Check out all of our current measures and feel free to offer suggestions or ask questions here.

We look forward to seeing you in a class soon!

Jodie Leschuk